Running the Tarahumara way.
Wendy and I are still up to our eyeballs in crazy. Yesterday was a funeral for my Grandfather who passed away this month at one hundred. This year also saw the passing of his wife, aged ninety-eight and my grandmother on my mother’s side at one hundred and five. It’s been a hard and busy year for my parents. After that we took the two and a half hour drive home, changed clothes and went to dinner with Wendy’s father and his girlfriend Nancy. A game of tennis broke out and twenty years of rust flaked off of Wendy’s and my skills. We still lost 3-6. Frowny face. I was eager like a puppy for two more sets but it was time for dinner. Today was install another air conditioner, drop the RAV4 off at the garage twenty minutes away, jogging, go shopping, drop off stuff at the charity place, pick up a painting we had had repaired, pick up a necklace Wendy had made, go shopping, pick up the RAV4, write this, prepare for four guests for dinner. Most days are just like that. At least, they seem tha...