It's a small world after all.
I’m going to start this out of sequence. Yesterday we went and saw Avatar with a bunch of friends that are generally the crowd I hung out with in college, with the addition of wives, sons, a sister and friend. Honestly, I had low expectations for the movie. Don’t get me wrong, I understand it’s all new 3-D technology and I understand it’s from my favorite director, the man who can do no wrong – James Cameron. My hesitance to embrace that this was going to be the movie to change all movies was the plot. I didn’t like District 9 because adding alien trappings to a story that was essentially Apartheid or any number of similar stories about man’s inhumanity to anyone or anything that is inconvenient doesn’t make it good. Avatar looked to be a story about Eastern Europeans pushing American Indians off their land and having no respect for their beliefs- with alien trappings. Plus, the thought of aliens fighting off superior technology with bows and arrows brought back memories of Ewoks and I...