
Showing posts from January, 2011


One of my best friends in the world, and one of the kindest human beings I have ever had the pleasure to know has made a video with his new webcam. I think to truly enjoy it you need to understand that Leigh is a living sound machine ala Bobby Mcferron, the best actor in Vermont, can bench press a mountain, knock out The Hulk with one punch, and a singer who is frequently asked onstage by other groups when he is in the crowd. This is him being silly. Enjoy.

Lanzarote Part 1

Having spent three months in Vermont for the wedding and returning to Madrid in September, it felt odd to plan a trip home in early December for the holidays. Didn’t we just get back to Madrid? Plus, getting the paperwork to get the little dog back into the states , the stress on him having to travel again, and the massive expense of flying made us decide to stay in Madrid this holiday season. Sort of. Wendy is a certified diver and I have wanted to become one so we could dive together. So, we're going on Holiday shortly after Christmas. We found a nice veterinary service that also has kennels and will pick Thor up so we don’t have to crate him up and put him in a taxi. Having gained five pounds in his short time with us, we tell him he’s going to fat camp. There won’t be any leftovers for you. In the days leading up to our trip I take the PADI online course so I won’t have any classwork when I get to Lanzarote, I’ll just have to do the diving with an instructor. We have a stressle...

The Social Network

The Social Network is incredibly insightful. I use Facebook every day and found the history behind it to be something well away from what I expected. I had read profiles on Mark Zuckerberg in Time and thought I had a general overall knowledge of him. This movie shows me how wrong I was. Wendy and I started the movie thinking it was a documentary and were surprised to find that it was not, but a well done movie based on a true story. Like others, I was sucked into Facebook by a friend. He had posted pictures of his new girlfriend and the only way I could see them was to sign onto the site. Having seen MySpace pages of friends, and hating them, I knew it wasn’t something I was going to get into. And yet, I did. See, as one “Time” article pointed out- Facebook is for old people. Using Facebook I was able to reconnect with old classmates both from high school and college that I had failed to keep contact with. I would sometimes think “I wonder whatever happened to…” or, I would see someone...

Black Swan

Spoiler warning – I am going to talk about what happens throughout the whole film. Wendy has wanted to see Black Swan for a while and we finally saw it last night. I know it got good reviews but what I knew of the plot (almost nothing) didn’t intrigue me. About thirty minutes in, I was captured. The only thing that bothered me was the only expressions on Natalie Portman’s face were “vulnerable” and “frightened.” Surely there has to be more to it than that. We took a break to put the little dog out and it all came together for me. “Oh, she’s the white swan.” Duh. I looked forward to seeing her gain some control, become independent from her mom, explore her sensual side, gain some confidence, freedom and master the role of the black swan. I eagerly awaited the rest of the movie. None of that happens. Instead, things happen to her, not by her. She does defy her mother but any other experiences she have come from a drug induced haze by her friend (Mila Kunis) slipping something into her dr...

The Doomslayer!

I believe in dispelling myths that people willfully believe because they like to be terrified or think the worst of the world. There are two going around now, claiming that some additives in Chicken McNuggets can kill you if you consume too many of them in a week. This has already been debunked and shows the additives referenced would require you to eat 1000 McNuggets in one sitting to get the horrible effects claimed in the article. By then, the amount of salt in the McNuggets would have already killed you. The second myth going around is that McDonald's hamburgers don't rot and one teacher has been showing her students and doing demonstrations proving it with a 14 year old burger. Using the scientific method, this article debunks/explains those claims:

And we're back!

Sorry for the lack of updates. Wendy and I took a little vacation. We are back safe and sound and continue to marvel at our good luck in traveling. There was an air traffic controllers strike here right around the holidays that was resolved before we left, had good weather for flying, no layovers. We flew budget airlines “Ryanair” and we know they do not have assigned seats but do have “priority boarding” for four additional Euros. So when they announce the flight, 200 people line up, Wendy and I walk to the front of the line and get on first. Anyone can do it, but either people don’t know about it or don’t care. Standing in line for an hour is not our idea of a good time. We had a great vacation. I am now a certified scuba diver and am allowed to dive anywhere in the world up to 18 meters (although if a dive is 22-24 the dive master usually fudges the numbers a little.) I had a wonderful instructor and I did four dives in the ocean with her to learn skills like what happens if you los...