Ups and Downs

Sick as a dog.

I have been sick for about the last 8 days. Wonderful when Wendy is in town.

Gave my notice at work. Hmmm, that´s not quite right. I gave it last week. Today I told a bunch of important (to me) people so they wouldn´t hear about it from someone else when they should hear it from me. My last day of work is February 16th. Moving to Madrid on March 3rd. Some people at work were not surprised at all. Some couldn´t believe it.

Writing for Star City again. Enjoying Magic a lot these days and playing it a lot online. I´m pretty sure they have Pro Tour Qualifiers in Madrid. Will be nice not to have to get up at 4:30 in the morning and drive three and a half hours to Boston.

Submitted the first thirty pages of my novel to Wizards book publishing division. Completely separate. I´m sure they have no idea who I am.

WOTC and Starcitygames gave me an amazing surprise that I can´t tell you about until Monday.

Wendy home until Sunday. We´re having a very good time together.


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