Which is Worse?

Panic Disorder or Global Warming?

When I was in high school, the hit book was "The Population Bomb" by Paul Ehrlich.

"the battle to feed all of humanity is over ... In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now."

-Paul "MacArthur Genius Award" Ehrlich.

If you were alive then, you remember the staggering amount of press that book recieved.

Now watch this video and wonder why so many of our kids are on Paxil.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. awesome video, reminds me of growing up in the 70's and all of us kids being worried we were going to get nuked. And I like their point about how yes, the world is warming and arctic ice is melting, but who says that is necessarily a bad thing. I read a great article about how for the first time, East coast US and Russian shipping companies will be able to deliver goods straight across the top of the world. The ice is so thin to non existant in places that they can ship right across the arctic by some northern route. This will be a tremendous benefit to shipping companies and a huge cost and time savings.

  3. Right cuz thats what I want.
    Huge oil tankers getting access to remote places so they can spill their oil in unspoiled natural beauty.
    Awesome Idea

  4. If you are worried about ships spoiling their surroundings, you should be happy they are cutting across the top of the world. Half the travel time equals less chance to mess nature up. And if they do spill something, isn't it better that it's in an area remote to any large fish and people concentration.

  5. Regarding the book on starvation--it wasn't off at all, but right on. depending on what definition of starvation is used, anywhere from 852 MILLION people to 1.2 BILLION people are starving in the world. We are just too busy worried about our own travels, businesses, and fun to notice, and the news apparantly thinks starvation is old news. Plus, if the starvation is not so much in the US or Europe, we tend not to be so concerned.

  6. ....Forgot to mention, I'd rather err in favor of global warming being our fault. If we're wrong, the only harm done is our awareness of how we effect the planet has increased, and what chemicals we choose to dump into water, air and soil will hopefully decrease. That's good for every living thing (including us) anyway.

  7. isn't it better that it's in an area remote to any large fish and
    people concentration.

    Just because its remote doesnt mean that there is nothing there.
    Some of the largest sharks in the world roam about under the ice with parasites where their Eyes used to be. Never make the mistake of thinking that anywhere in our oceans is anythign but teeming with life even if we dont know about it.

  8. Australia is currently suffering from drought conditions that have been going on for five years. It's gotten to the point where Australia's food production is being threatened by lack of water for irrigation. Meanwhile, California is basically on fire.

    But hey, John Stossel says everything's hunky-dunky and it'll save shipping companies money, so bring on the climate change, right?

  9. I think you guys are misinterpreting what I am saying. What I mean (and they make a point of this in the video Jamie linked) is that what is a negative for some people/areas/animals is a positive for others. Northern Global polar ice is thinning, negative for some ice dependant species, big plus for shipping companies, also this will make it easier to drill for some estimated vast natural gas and oil reserves on top of the world (US, Russia, Denmark all raced to make claims on this area over the past year, in anticipation of easier access as polar ice disappears). You make a great point about Australia, and this also works into what I am saying. Estimates are within 30 years no crops will be able to be grown in Australia, all food will have to be imported. This is a huge negative for Australians, obviously. What you have to take into account is that as this area heats up and can no longer sustain food production, current areas that are too cool to sustain viable food production will then be heating up, allowing them access to crops not previously available.

  10. big plus for shipping companies, also this will make it easier to drill for some estimated vast natural gas and oil reserves on top of the world (US, Russia, Denmark all raced to make claims on this area over the past year, in anticipation of easier access as polar ice disappears).

    Right and i dont care about any of those things.
    So one of the few places that was left intact because of its harsh climate will now be available for explotation by man. and thats a good thing? Thats... just the kind of thinking that will make sure that my children will never see a polar bear or seal out side the zoo.

  11. Exploit the earth or die, mizu. We are all exploiters. It is an inescapable fact of life.


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