Back on track.

Was able to eat a substantial dinner last night and was ravenous. Twelve escargot, tons of bread dipped in the sauce, pate on toast, a huge plate of fries, etc.

In other news, I am reading "New Moon" the second book after "Twilight" and the writing is much better. I'm actually a little interested now.

Today is recover from our trip to Paris, catch up on news, email, stolen TV episodes and maybe, if I'm really ambitious, a shower.

This week and next I plan on contacting a doctor about having a battery of tests done. Thank you all for the support.


  1. What support?
    This post needs more white space.
    Its almost like a grammar nazi wrote it.
    to jamie...
    me. going with the second book in the Twilight series even though the first book was horrible....let me know how that works out for ya.

  2. Hey, there's not much fantasy in English to buy in the stores here. Wendy bought the next two book in the series and I got nothin else to read for fiction.

  3. That's pretty much what I pictured a spanish book store to be: wall to wall copies of Don Quixote and a little biddy section of other books.

  4. Well if you can't find books in English, at least watch 30 Rock on I guarantee that you'll laugh at the edgy humor of this show.



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