Check out the poll to the right.

Figured I'd make an entry so that people could comment if they felt like it.

I'd like to do a vanity press book about "Quest for the Pro Tour II" but I don't think it would be worth the work. At the same time, I do wonder how many people would be interested in a collection of essays like "Technically perfect play", "Last days of the Peaceful Village", "It's all about the Dinosaurs" and other articles that I think were some of my better work.

Let me know what you think.


  1. Honestly, I'm a hardcore Wakefield the Magician fan and would buy pretty much anything you put out Magic wise. Would it save you any $, time or effort to go the Lulu download route rather than vanity press?

  2. I am also interested in the Quest II book, but the question is can you remember enough now, 10 years later, to write the book? The details you put into Quest I is what made the book, will you have that kind of information available for Quest II?

  3. I know opinions will vary, but mine is that I really enjoy the Wakefield way of describing the event itself and not so much the technical aspect. If that makes any sense...but that's probably just because I have not played MtG in years.

  4. "I am also interested in the Quest II book, but the question is can you remember enough now, 10 years later, to write the book? The details you put into Quest I is what made the book, will you have that kind of information available for Quest II?"

    Yes... but... The book will be 90% reprints of articles I published long ago and became fan favorites. So, yes, they will contain as many details as Quest I, but I won't need to remember much since it's already written.
    The main point would be to have a book you can take to the beach, everything collected in one place, and maybe some articles that have disappeared from the web or even articles that people never saw when they were first printed and never saw them at all.

  5. I'd buy a physical copy and a copy for my Kindle.

  6. Although I love your Magic stuff, you can usually find your articles on the web. I know I found a ton of your stuff and the archived MagicDojo. What I really miss are your old AC atricles of both your time spent on Harvestgain and Darktide. I would love to read all those again.

  7. Hell yeah, what Ursus said. In fact the whole Source mailing list was comedy gold. Maybe it's a bit niche though - I'm not sure anyone would 'get it' unless they'd played AC.

    Although probably I'd buy Quest II as well because I'm lazy and it'd be easier than searching online :)

  8. I would definitely be interested in reading a collection of your essays. Eh, I don't know what else to say to sway you on this though, since I agree it is probably not worth your time from a practical standpoint.

  9. Alicey, just so you know Ursus-Pete-Kumo :) I so miss The Source's old mailing list. Man we used to chat back and forth on that thing for days. There are a few people I haven't even seen back on the new BBS like Draco or Sensai.

    God I miss 2000/2001 and AC.

  10. J those articles need to be is an imperative! Do it now! No more talking, just get it to the printers!

    If you print it... people will read....:)


  11. I would buy a copy for sure. I still read my copy of Tournament Reports once a year at least. Not much of a reader on the computer, like to be able to lay down and read a hard copy of a book.

  12. If this book would contain articles when you were playing Secret Force, I'd definitely buy it.


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