It is baffling, and sad, to me that part of the world thinks that profit > all, even at the expense of human dignity. It gnaws at me every day when I go to a chain gas station or a McDonalds or any other place where I know corporate profits are > everything else in the world. Why can't McDonald's pays its workers more? We all know they can. We all can pay a dime more for a Big Mac. It's like this everywhere. In the UFC, Dana White was brilliant at bringing the sport to mainstream America and generating hundreds of millions of dollars for the Fertitta brothers, who were already billionaires. And even though they could pay their fighters more, they don't. The last payroll for the last event was under a million dollars. The UFC is like the NFL of fighting. The number one organization. Some of the guys that make it there get paid 2k to fight. Meanwhile, Dana and the brothers are gambling away millions at the tables in Vegas. Yes, I know how the right will respo...
I would love it if that happened here! Perhaps you should go in the dead of night, dressed in black ninja garb, and change the signs to say "Singing Expected" or something like that. Ah! It sounds wonderful.