
It is a beautiful cool Sunday that keeps threatening rain then showers us with more sunshine.

I cannot tell you how much this day has meant to me. (And it is only 1:00.)

In the six weeks that we have been home,I feel like we have been two hamsters on a wheel.

Today, we walked over to the store and bought the NYT Sunday edition. We sat on our nice porch, in our new patio furniture with our feet up and read. Unlike reading on the computer, I had no desire to click away to another site or story. I just sat and read entire articles. My feet are up on our new table, which, I might add, is the perfect height.

I read the NYT's book review section and it gave me some great ideas. Inspiration. Someday, I will be in there.

Then I read a 28 page long fiction story that I wrote almost a decade ago and wondered - why am I not working on this? This is great! I wrote the damn thing and still, I'm thinking "I want to read more of this! What an interesting cast! What happens next?"

I know what happens next and I can't wait to tell you. I can't wait to finish it and have you read it.

Someday, I will be a famous author. I don't say that because I want to be famous, because I don't. I couldn't care less about that. I just want to make people cry with happiness. To bring them joy. To inspire them to be good people and do good deeds.To bring them good experiences like so many fine authors have done for me. As corny as that sounds, yes, that actually is my goal.

I will keep trying.


  1. I think I have to point out that to a certain extent you are already a famous author ;-)


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