Superman or Batman?

One of the eternal questions. – Who is better/who would you want to be – Superman or Batman?

I would prefer to be Superman. I don’t like to fail.

One thing people say is that Batman is more realistic than Superman and today, it occurred to me, that is just not true.

How long do you think you would survive dressed as a bat fighting against guys with guns? Realistically you would last about one crime fighting night before being shot. If you survived that and persisted in your efforts and actually made yourself a nuisance, you would be killed. There’s a reason the police travel in pairs and call for backup when faced with superior numbers.

“Where’s your detective skills now Bats?” BLAM!

It is easier for me to believe that an alien would have powers above those of normal men than it is for me to believe a guy can take out ten gun-wielding mobsters using only boomerangs and martial arts.

If given the choice, I would choose to fly, be super strong, and immune to gunfire. In fact, since I hate losing so much, give me Thor’s hammer and Captain America’s shield while you’re at it. Oh, and Green Lantern’s ring would be nice too.

Is this the coolest thing ever drawn? I think it is.


  1. But you would never many generations of the same thing over and over again would it take before weariness of the heart made it unbearable?


  2. For at least 300 years, the world has been anything but "the same thing over and over again"...

  3. Well, I can think of at least one thing in Batman's favor... he doesn't have the "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" problem. ;)

  4. Thanks Doug! I see a trip to the bookstore in my future.

  5. One of the eternal questions. – Who is better/who would you want to be – Superman or Batman?

    I would prefer to be Superman. I don’t like to fail.

    One thing people say is that Batman is more realistic than Superman and today, it occurred to me, Green Lantern’s ring would be nice too.


    ??? when has bats ever lost ?? ...
    in fact .. i think its bats who is responsible for taking down supes when HE loses it ...


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