Quest for the Pro Tour

"Tournament Reports" has finally been re released under the Lulu label.

Now titled "Quest for the Pro Tour."

Available in print or download.

From reviews of the original -

"I spent $100 to buy this book and found it well worth it. Other MTG books age, this does not. Jamie Wakefield is very entertaining. " - Spyros A. Svoronos.

"Many current experienced M:tG writer were influenced by Jamie Wakefield. This book makes a wonderful autobiography of someone struggling to be one of the best Magic players around. You will not be sorry if you buy this book. " - C. Bedford Crenshaw.

"Jamie Wakefield's tournament reports draw you into his life. The book inlcudes some strategy advice, but mainly engrosses you in the story of Jamie's experiences at Magic tournaments. If there is a volume 2, I will buy it. " - A Reader.

"I have read every book out there on M:TG. This is my all time favorite book. A great way to learn how to prepare for PTQ's, through a person who's done it many times." - A Reader.

"I was very happy to have read and enjoyed this wonderful book. Mr. Wakefield provided a weekend of entertainment and enlightenment for me with his work. I highly recommend this book to any Magic player, or person just interested in a little fun reading. " - A Reader.

"This is a shining star in a morass of poorly written Magic the Gathering books. It is unique in that the author is the main protagonist and it gives you insight into how a professional Magic player evaluates cards and comes up with decks. This isn't a "how to" book its more of a "how I did it" book." - A Reader.


  1. Which version gets you more royalties?

  2. Both generate the same amount for me. Thanks for asking though.

  3. Wakefield you are a collectors nightmare. Are you trying to drive down the price of Tournament Reports! ;0)

  4. Jamie, I'll have to go DL a copy and then look at getting a real copy as well. I can't wait to read it.

    Sooooo......what is this "Wakefield's Paladins" stuff you have been talking about?

  5. Wakefield's Paladins article will begin this week. It will actually be an ongoing topic here.

  6. Were you excited to see a Mono-G deck in the Top 8 at US Nat's? I was blown away when I saw it.

    What concoctions do you have brewing with Overrun?

  7. Hi Jamie,

    I just bought your book. I've looked for it elsewhere, but haven't had much luck.

    Thanks for making it available!

  8. Ordered now - looking forward to it!

    Time for a starcity games promotional article, hint, hint!


  9. Can't wait to finally read this. Might I entice you to joining us for a chat on the magic boards? We'd love to have you, and I'm sure many of our posters would love to ask you a few questions. Please let me know if you'd like to.



    kwaichang at wizo dot wizards dot com

  10. Awesome , really great read. Took me back to the start of my magic career - dark ritual, hymn, 4 strip mines, that was a nasty deck you played Jamie :)

    Looking forward to the next one.



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