I just feel like updating.

I have a four page post about the wedding Wendy wants to add to. I feel that should be my next post.

But I have not finished my part. And so I wait. And so I sit.

I would like to blog like The Ferret. Who writes something every day. I love his blog. It reminds me of who I want to be, but can't.

So, I have not updated for a while and it is my fault. I should use this like twitter and not worry so much about what comes next.

What has happened?

Moving stuff back to the basement getting ready to go back to Madrid.

Getting our dog Thor checked out so he can come to Madrid with us.

Moving the driveway from one side of the property to another.

Tons of landscaping.

Mowing my lawn.

Friends over.

Poker night.

Not enough running or working out.

Three week annivesary reunion tour. BBQ. Croquet. Friends hooking up. Girl talk (of which I am an expert.) UFC.

BJ Penn lost. Again. And I was surrounded by friends when it happened. The greatest natural born, arrogant, pissy, athlete the world has ever seen, with skin like leather and flexability like Gumby has once again squandered his abilities and lost when he could have won.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

Randy Coutute once again showed the world why MMA is greater than Boxing by submitting James Toney in the first round.


  1. You're bringing Thor!!!??? How wonderful, Jamie. I was having trouble imagining you without a dog...
    By the way, do you still have that leather tunic, and if so, would you be interested in selling it? Best wishes O' Married One ;-)


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